STEM + great memories are never disappointing! An unforgettable and fun outreach event was hosted by Team X at John Green Elementary School located in Dublin, CA.
On the warm and sunny day of April 30th, 2024, Team X headed over to the John Green Elementary STEAM Night at 4PM (Right after school!), igniting passion, wonder, and introduction to numerous students in captivating world of robotics. Not only was it great outreach event, but something special differing from our other events was that for most of the team, this was our elementary school reviving some wonderful and nostalgic memories as we were passing on our knowledge we had enjoyed learning, to the future generations of our elementary school.
Now hosting many outreach events, working with many elementary schoolers, this event didn't have a different outcome! All the elementary schoolers were ultra ready to get started with robotics expressing especially noticing our FTC (FIRST Tech Challenge) Robot - Batman, enjoying seeing the robot move around, and using its claw to collect pixels (hexagonal shapes). Additionally, it was quite hard to not notice the parents interest in the program of FIRST® and the world of robotics. The team dedicatedly explained many parents and the elementary schoolers about FLL (First Lego League), robotics in general, and how they could get started with doing robotics. Moreover, the team enjoyed informing lots of people on how we could help find a best suited robotics team for them or organize a team for them to compete in gathering interest from students of their age. Using our rich experience in robotics and the field of STEM in general, we could offer mentorship and donate lego parts to FLL teams.
Throughout the event, we had some lego robots on display, previously made when the team had competed in FLL as elementary schoolers. Alongside that, we had a field was set up for Batman to run on, and had tri-fold posters and banners manifesting our journey to get where we are today and what we are all about! Impacting over 75 people over a 3 hour period, at 7PM the team wrapped up the day on good note, with countless parents, staff, and young ones, informed on the world of robotics and FIRST.